General Terms and Conditions

For the Workshop "Come sostenere e gestire la formazione di un/a medico assistente in difficoltà", hereinafter referred to as Workshop, the followin General Terms and Conditions for Participants apply:


The registration is obligatory. With the receipt of the registration a legally valid contract is created. The confirmation of participation will be sent by e-mail. The participation fees are to be paid in accordance with the means of payment chosen at the time of registration within the payment period indicated on the invoice.


The following cancellation conditions apply to cancellations:
Cancellation until and including 03.01.2025:
A processing fee of CHF 50.00 will not be refunded or remains due.

Cancellation after 04.01.2025:
The registration fee will not be refunded or remains due.

These conditions also apply in case of non-appearance of the participant, in case of force majeure, illness, accident or similar reasons. The cancellation must be received in writing by post (Medworld AG, Sennweidstrasse 46, CH-6312 Steinhausen) or e-mail ( The date of the postmark/receipt will be used to determine entitlement to a refund.

Replacement participants
Can be registered at any time. No additional fees will be charged for processing until 30 days before the start of the Congress. After this period, a processing fee of CHF 50.00 will be charged.

Postponement, cancellation, termination of the Congress

Caused by the organizer
If the workshop is postponed, the registration is automatically valid for the postponed date. Return or exchange of the registration is excluded. However, participants can withdraw their registration. In these cases, a processing fee of CHF 50.00 will not be refunded or remains due. (This applies up to 2 months after the notification of the postponement. Thereafter, the General Terms and Conditions valid at the time shall apply).

If the worksho is cancelled, the participant can request a refund of the amount already paid within 30 days. In this case the amount will be refunded in full.

NOT caused by the organizer
If the workshop does not take place, is terminated or cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the organiser, such as force majeure or equivalent events, e.g. epidemics/pandemics or threats to health, national mourning, weather conditions, strikes or war, the organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting therefrom. In principle, in these cases, the participation fee cannot be refunded or remains due in full.

If the workshop is postponed due to the above-mentioned circumstances, the participation fee will automatically apply to the postponed date. Returns or exchanges are not accepted. However, participants can withdraw their registration. In these cases, a processing fee of CHF 50.00 will not be refunded or remains due. (This applies up to 2 months after the notification of the postponement. Thereafter, the General Terms and Conditions valid at the time shall apply).

Beyond that, the participants are not entitled to any other rights in either case. A claim for reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs as well as loss of working hours and any other claim for damages is excluded.

Change of format (hybrid or virtual)

If the format of the workshop is changed to hybrid (face-to-face & online) or to purely virtual/online due to circumstances beyond the control of the organizer, such as force majeure and equivalent events, e.g. epidemics/pandemics or threats to health, the registration is automatically valid for the new format. Return or exchange of the registration is excluded. However, participants can withdraw their registration. In these cases, a processing fee of CHF 50.00 will not be refunded or remains due. (This applies up to 2 months after the notification of the postponement. Thereafter, the General Terms and Conditions valid at the time shall apply).

Data protection

Compliance with the data protection regulations applicable in Switzerland is a matter of course for the Congress organisation. The data received from participants will not be passed on to third parties (the organiser excluded) and will only be used for the purpose of organising the Congress. However, the participants agree that the Congress organisation may make the contact details (title, first name, surname, place of work, postcode & town, country) available to the Congress sponsors. If this is expressly not desired, this must be communicated in writing to immediately after registration. Any further use of the data will be regulated or agreed upon separately.

Pictures, videos and audio recordings

Participants acknowledge that photographs, videos and sound recordings of participants will be taken during the workshop and will be published on the website, in professional journals and/or other publications after the event.

By registering and accepting the General Terms and Conditions, participants agree to the use and/or publication of the photographs and/or sound and video recordings.
If the participant does not agree with this, the causer must be informed personally and immediately on site.

Safety and implementing provisions

By registering, the participant acknowledges the security, access and other regulations of the Congress and agrees that he or she can be excluded from the event without compensation if these regulations are not observed.

Limitation of liability

The Congress organiser or the Congress organisation is only liable for claims for bodily injury resulting from intent or negligence or for damage to property resulting from intent or gross negligence on the part of the organiser. Further claims are excluded. The organizer is not liable for loss or theft of items brought or carried along, except in the case of intent or gross negligence. Insurance for personal injury and property damage is the responsibility of the participant.


Insurance is the responsibility of the participant. Each participant is liable for all injury to persons or damage to property he or she causes.

Place of delivery and jurisdiction

In case of disagreement, the contracting parties shall in any case submit to the ordinary courts of the Canton of Zug. The court shall be governed exclusively by "Swiss law".

Steinhausen, september 2024

Istituto svizzero per la formazione medica ISFM
Elfenstrasse 18
Casella postale
3000 Berna 16

Congress organizer:
Medworld AG
Sennweidstrasse 46
CH-6312 Steinhausen
Tel. +41 41 748 23 00